Saturday, March 17, 2007
The Secret . This is part of a free series of online seminars conducted by the principals of 'The Secret'. Of course, they are also slick marketing pieces for each who have programs of their own to sell based on the law of attraction. However, my advice to you would be to get all the information you can for free and with Lisa, you can get her 'Step Into The Secret' report which you can download at Lisa Nichols. In it she will begin to tell you about how to ask the universe for what you want, believe that it is already yours and be ready to receive. Then she will tell you to buy her CD program for under $100 (everyone's program is around the same amount of money which is another marketing technique). At some point I plan to write my own e-book on the topic, but I won't be charging even one tenth of that because I believe that it's more important to get that information to as many people as possible than to squeeze every penny out of you. One free piece of information though is to learn all you can so that's why I am putting this out there now.