Saturday, March 10, 2007
Dr. Joe Vitale is one the masterminds behind the current best-selling book and DVD entitled 'The Secret'. 'The Secret' has been the subject of much bashing lately, but that's okay. The more people discuss it, the more publicity it gets. Those critics are usually the ones who haven't even read the book, like comedian Bill Mahr. You can't just think yourself into more money and happiness. That's not the idea of the book or the DVD. The idea is to get you into a frame of mind to open you up to ideas which hopefully will turn into action. Those actions will be what creates a better life for your personally and financially. Joe Vitale admits that this may be the one flaw of the original book and movie inasmuch as it doesn't really emphasize how to put your positive thoughts into action. He did hint on the Larry King Show that there will most definitely be a sequel. Joe is a regular, down-to-earth guy who figured out how to attract financial success into his life and he is willing to teach you too. Visit him at Mr. Fire and learn more about him at The Secret.