Friday, March 23, 2007
The art of positive affirmation and the ability to be able to rid oneself of negative feelings does not come eas to most people. However, there are methods to help improve one's state of mind through meditation, positive affirmations and through positive solutions rather than negative feelings. For instance, let's say you got into a very bad car accident, and, even though you got out without a scratch, your car was totalled. How would you react? Most people would be weighed down with shoulda, woulda, coulda and "what if" mentality. This won't change what has happened, nor will it fix your car. The same could be said about the loss of a job or the break-up of a long-term relationship. The fact is, bad things happen to everyone. The reality is, most people have poor coping skills which, unfortunately, are passed down to their children. I plan on addressing these issues in my very first e-book so look for it in the near future. In the meantime, you can get more information about meditation through the holosync method at Centerpointe . Don't forget to sign up for your free holosync CD so you can begin to understand the value of meditation.