Saturday, January 13, 2007
School bullies have been around since schools began centuries ago. It's not something that you may have given much thought to unless you yourself have been a victim of a bully (I have) or if one of your children has. It is a very painful and sometimes dangerous situation that has even driven children to suicide or even killing others in retaliation for the bullying. Parents, teachers and school administrators are often incapable of handling the situation or diminishing the problem. There are organizations that have formed in order to deal with this problem that seems only to have increased over the years. Love Our Children USA is one such organization that attempts to give a voice to children and their families who have been impacted by a bully. There are things you can do beyond the scope of the school. Educate yourselves about how to deal with bullies right at the beginning of the problem so it doesn't escalate to a dangerous situation. Really, the best way to treat a bully is to not acknowledge them in any way. By ignoring them, you take away their power and they move on (unfortunately, usually to another victim). Bullies are often people with very low-self esteem issues who are often times victims of family abuse or neglect. Nevertheless, no other child should have to endure a bully's abuse. Validate your child's feelings and learn how you can empower your child to overcome bullying.