Monday, January 29, 2007
If you don't already know this, Sylvia Browne, is a world-renowned psychic, who appears weekly on the "Montel Williams Show" fielding questions from audience members. Sylvia, I think of more as a medium (someone who connects to those who have passed over) than a psychic (someone who can predict the future). If there is a difference, it's that mediums rely on the loved ones of those who have passed over to give them insight as to future events. If anything, Sylvia and people like her, should be looked upon as a source of entertainment, and nothing more. She has come under close scrutiny of late because she told Shawn Hornbeck's parents, on national television, that Shawn had been grabbed by a stranger, but that he had died. In her own defense, Sylvia has said that she is not always right and that she has made mistakes. Perhaps the biggest mistake that anyone could make is to take her word for anything. I think there is certainly validity to her gift, but to give her or someone like her too much power is a dangerous thing. She has her critics including James Randy (The Amazing Randy) who has offered her and others who claim to be psychic, one million dollars if they would take his challenge and prove that such a gift is real. Of course, no one has taken him up on his challenge, because there will never be any concrete evidence and he knows that.
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She was proven a fake on national television when a boy that she said was kidnapped and murdered by a black man turned out to be alive and kidnapped by a large white man. The parents were devastated that they had given up searching because of her.
Do not follow this false prophet, she preys on emotionally vulnerable people in the name of profit, not God.
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Do not follow this false prophet, she preys on emotionally vulnerable people in the name of profit, not God.
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