If you are a movie fan, or, if you are fan of actress, Dakota Fanning, then you know that there has been some controversy surrounding her new film. The movie, 'Hounddog', which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, was targeted by public-interest groups for depicting a scene wherein Dakota's character, Lewellen, is raped. These people, of course, never saw the movie, which got dreadful reviews anway and may never likely be picked up for distribution on that fact alone. If they had, they would have seen that the rape scene is very quick and not at all graphic....not like in real life that is. This post isn't about reviewing the movie, but rather the irony here. The fact is, children are brutally raped every day in this country and we still have laws that, in large part, protect the rights of the predators more than the children. If an issue needs to be raised about this movie and it's rape scene, then maybe these interest groups should shed light on why we haven't changed our laws yet to better protect our children. Legsilators are looking to pass a 'one strike' bill which will send these predators away for life if they are found guilty of harming a child in any way, sexually or otherwise. This is where the energy needs to be spent. As for Dakota and her family, I'm sure she is thinking of her long-term goals as an actress. She is embarking on her teenage years and is probably looking to make the transition as best she can without being pigeon-holed as a cute, child actress, similar to Jodie Foster and Brooke Shields, who both appeared in controversial roles as young actresses. Also, from what I have read about this movie, she is, indeed, the best thing in it.