As parents, we are always told to teach our children not to talk to strangers. We believed that if we drilled them with this information, it would keep them safe from predators. We couldn't have been more wrong. It appears that the predators are one step ahead of us and use other tactics, like force, to get want they want. Predators will also do anything they have to, once they have their prey, to keep them, including terrorizing them, either physically or emotionally. Shawn Hornbeck has already admitted, in a private discussion with Oprah, that he didn't attempt to leave because he was too scared. As time goes on, more specific details will begin to unfold and we will have a better idea of what he exeperienced for four years, and Ben Ownby experienced for four very long days. Knowledge is power; this information should be used to educate our children what to do in such an event so that they can protect themselves and escape from harm. One brave little girl just recently escaped her kidnapper by sneaking out of the truck of his car when he stopped for gas. She ran into the convenience store where the police where called and she was safe, but her kidnapper got away so he's still out there, probably planning on doing the same thing to another innocent child. Unfortunately, we have to prepare our children for such events. It's a scary world, but it is even scarier when they go missing for months and years, without a trace.