Last night was the season finale of 'Biggest Loser' with Eric walking away with the grand prize of $250,000. To win it, he had to have lost over 180 pounds and he did, indeed, accomplish that. In fact, all of the contestants lost over a whopping two tons, including everyone who entered from all fifty states. Heather had to remove herself from the competition because she is five months pregnant, but walked away with a beautiful, fully furnished nursery. The ending of this show comes at a time when people have already begun their holiday binging. One of the trainers, Bob, gave viewers some sage advice..."Don't wait until January 1st to begin your diet...start right now". Although losing weight can feel overwhelming (I know; I just lost 22 pounds myself), there is plenty of help online, including their own website Biggest . You can opt to receive their newsletter or join for full support for about $20 a month. The most important step you take is to get some help whether it's Weight Watchers or any other online group (there are many). Like the Nike ad campaign says: just do it!