Last night I had the pleasure of seeing John Edward at a nearby theatre. Lucky for me, John is a native New Yorker and he is very comfortable in his hometown surroundings. First of all, let me just say that I went in feeling a bit skeptical about his ability to talk to dead people (they actually talk through him), but his seminar made a complete believer out of me. I could tell you that he amazed me with obscure details of the lives and deaths of the loved ones of audience members, but something he said prior to his readings struck me and I felt they were perfect for this blog. He said that everyone in life picks one motivation from which they operate and make all decisions: the first being fear, the second being love and the third being time. Functioning out of love is the best possible scenario. All your decisions will be made with your loved ones in mind and what's best for them and yourself. In this state, you are open to your loved ones who have passed over because you have set up no blocks to get in your way. They (your decased loved ones) have no blocks. They are there with you whether you want to believe that or not. Those who operate out of fear are the most unlikely to acknowledge all the signs. They are usually the ones who shut out their loved ones for fear of rejection and of many other things. Those who operate because of time, see everything as having a time limit, but there is no time limit for your soul. Your body is just a vehicle and eventually it will die, but your soul's energy is forever out there. I'm not writing this to convince you to believe; I'm writing this so that you can ask yourself when you have to make a decision, "Am I doing this out of fear, love or time?". Hopefully, this will allow you to make the right choice.