Tuesday, December 05, 2006
If you're like me and you have a senior in high school, then you are anxiously waiting out the outcome of the college application process. Yesterday, we hit a minor bump in the road, when one college erroneously sent us a letter saying that my son's application was not accepted for early action. It turns out that his grade point average is just half a point below their requirements. When I called the admissions office to tell them that he never applied for early action, they apologized profusely and said his file would be put back into the regular active applications. I was told that if he pulls his mid-term grade up just one half point, he has a good chance of being accepted. Of course, he was disappointed, but I told him that he needs to prepared himself for all possibilities during this process. Being very young, he is idealistic about his future and this is his first major venture out into the real world. I told him that it was okay to be disappointed, but that he needed to move past it and make a plan for himself. I also told him that receiving the letter was a blessing in disguise since now he knows what he has to do in order to improve his chances of getting into any college. This is really the beginning of developing a good set of coping skills to meet all of life's challenges, big or little. The only way we can truly take control of our own lives is to set a good plan of action into motion and to be well prepared for any outcome, good or bad. This can apply to anything in life including your job, your financial situation and/or personal relationships. If you think you might need a little help in this area, you can read a great book by Lucinda Bassett called 'Life Without Limits'. Lucinda is the creator of Attacking Anxiety and Depression and the author of many books. In this one she shows you how to clarify what you want, redefine your dreams and become the person you really want to be. She can teach you how to devise a solid plan of action that really works, acquire an attitude of success, achievement and maturity, learn to be a risk taker and make effective decisions, learn how to stop worrying and start Power Thinking and work with universal energy and intuitive principles (in other words, weed out all that negative energy and surround yourself with positive energy instead). When you follow a few simple steps, you can really take charge of your life and be the boss!