Before we know it, many of us will be bogged down with holiday entertaining. The mere thought strikes fear in most people. So much so, that it often takes the pleasure away from entertaining and leaves most hosts thinking "I'll never do THAT again!". There's no reason for you to feel that way. Don't let the party be the boss of you; you have to take charge. Recently, on Rachel Ray's talk show, she demonstrated a wonderful spread for a holiday buffet that took a very short time to prepare. She showed her audience who to make a cheese wheel. You can by a soft wheel (or half wheel) of cheese in your supermarket. Toast up some crushed nuts (walnuts, pecans, or almonds) and mix the toasted, crushed nuts with some chopped parsley. Spread on a cookie sheet and roll the cheese wheel in the toasted nuts and parsley. Serve on a platter with some crackers or different kinds of sliced breads and sliced pears and apples. This is just one idea, but there are many simple and easy ideas for holiday entertaining from Rachel, including her 5 minute fudge ring, which actually takes less time than 5 minutes and is an absolutely crowd pleaser. For more information about easy ideas for holiday parties, you can go to Everything Rachel Ray .