Saturday, November 25, 2006
If you are a blogger who earns money from blogging, then you know traffic consistency is of the utmost importance. Of course, blog directories like Technorati are one way to increase your blog's exposure. There are also blog rolls and blog circles that you can join that expose your blogs to readers of a particular niche group. One such blog roll is Wahms . One blogger named Theresa, began this blog group because she saw a need for work-at-home-moms who earn a living from blogging to get more exposure. Once a week or so, Theresa will ask a question to her bloggers and we are all free to answer or not on our own blogs and link back to her Wahms site. This is a fun and creative way to improve your blog's exposure. Of course, there are lots of other blogging communities that do this so if you are looking to increase your blog's traffic, they are worth the time of investigating.